Become a part of the 100+ Sonoma County Members Who Care!
Every February we host our annual Petaluma event. We have recently expanded to Santa Rosa and will host an annual October event for Santa Rosa based Non-Profits.
All attendees donate $100 either online or by bringing $100 cash or check to the event that will go directly to the winner of the event. Your $100 donation buys you a VOTE and 100% of those proceeds go to the winner of the evening!
The past two winners have also sweetened the pot by donating 100% of the funds in excess of $10,000 back to the runners up, making each event a truly magical/community oriented evening.
RSVP to Mariah Shields or call at 415-328-0540
(Include Name and Email for every Member Planning on Attending)
OR go to our "Upcoming Events" page and submit your RSVP through our web portal!
Check out our FaceBook Page at
100% of the proceeds of the event go to the winner of the evening. In order to raise the "Thank You" gift for the four runners-up and fund the event, we need your support! We are asking corporate sponsors for a donation of $1,000, $1,500 or $2,000.